Sean Meskill 5507 796 1368 216 738 151 597 1306 2337 0.248 501 1769.6 696 109 118 132 616 1708 58 4.32 34 87 0.357 0.424 0.781 849 257 150 0.480 2.77 2.19 25.50
Gerry Meskill 4548 650 1134 152 543 105 406 1182 1863 0.249 402 1210.2 401 94 62 77 364 1218 13 3.64 31 85 0.339 0.410 0.748 490 184 220 0.603 3.35 2.91 29.92
Justin Meskill 4160 595 1035 178 554 92 424 1119 1822 0.249 412 1113.2 373 78 68 56 322 1219 31 4.05 8 76 0.351 0.438 0.789 501 163 236 0.534 3.79 2.64 23.37
Joseph Mariani Jr. 4877 659 1294 172 683 59 462 943 2099 0.265 445 975.7 417 60 45 67 280 982 85 3.73 21 52 0.360 0.430 0.790 404 197 205 0.571 3.51 2.04 28.35
James Heiman 4863 684 1268 179 669 106 459 1001 2058 0.261 422 917.1 513 57 68 42 320 987 119 3.90 46 36 0.355 0.423 0.778 397 220 176 0.456 3.08 2.18 27.17
Chris Meskill 4259 588 1048 193 612 110 410 1093 1863 0.246 414 832.1 337 53 40 76 279 841 40 3.60 14 47 0.342 0.437 0.780 333 187 214 0.570 3.01 2.67 22.07
Josh Frilling 3925 565 974 149 556 116 419 1008 1690 0.248 386 933.4 338 63 51 20 284 961 38 3.77 26 61 0.355 0.431 0.785 391 156 247 0.553 3.38 2.41 26.34
William Herr 3909 577 994 183 563 161 407 987 1776 0.254 399 834.2 272 61 39 33 240 915 24 3.41 9 60 0.358 0.454 0.813 316 173 216 0.610 3.81 2.43 21.36
Tom Mahoney 4426 602 1145 164 565 103 359 946 1919 0.259 430 920.9 369 55 65 43 249 907 38 3.75 30 72 0.340 0.434 0.773 384 184 218 0.458 3.64 2.64 26.99
Henry McCabe 5087 730 1315 206 723 82 526 1149 2236 0.259 486 1220.2 460 85 76 74 375 1287 66 3.67 29 88 0.362 0.440 0.801 498 249 154 0.528 3.43 2.18 24.69
Joseph Mariani 5485 735 1345 234 713 127 501 1403 2321 0.245 497 1867.3 592 119 112 89 611 1795 64 3.69 24 125 0.337 0.423 0.760 765 266 150 0.515 2.94 2.80 23.44
Ryan Meskill 4360 620 1125 183 608 80 400 1052 1899 0.258 397 920.5 371 60 57 39 333 954 55 3.84 11 58 0.350 0.436 0.785 392 177 227 0.513 2.86 2.63 23.83
Averages 4617.17 650.08 1170.42 184.08 627.25 107.67 447.50 1099.08 1990.25 0.253 432.58 1126.20 428.25 74.50 66.75 62.33 356.08 1147.83 52.58 3.78 23.58 70.58 0.350 0.432 0.782 476.71 201.08 201.08 0.53 3.30 2.48 25.25
Average/week 210 30 53 8 29 5 20 50 90 0.253 20 51 19 3 3 3 16 52 2 3.78 1 3 0.350 0.432 0.782 22 9 9 0.53 3.30 2.48 25.25
Totals 55406 7801 14045 2209 7527 1292 5370 13189 23883 0.253 5191 13514 5139 894 801 748 4273 13774 631 3.81 283 847 0.350 0.431 0.781 5721 2413 2413 0.527 3.22 2.46 25.08
Average per week stats AB R H HR RBI SB BB K TB AVG XBH IP* APP W L SV BB K HLD ERA IRA QS OBP Slg % OPS ER H W L Win Pct K=BB Pitch K/BB Hitting AB/HR
Sean Meskill 250.32 36.18 62.18 9.82 33.55 6.86 27.14 59.36 106.23 0.248 22.77 80.44 31.64 4.95 5.36 6.00 28.00 77.64 2.64 4.32 1.55 3.95 0.357 0.424 0.781
Gerry Meskill 206.73 29.55 51.55 6.91 24.68 4.77 18.45 53.73 84.68 0.249 18.27 55.01 18.23 4.27 2.82 3.50 16.55 55.36 0.59 3.64 1.41 3.86 0.339 0.410 0.748
Justin Meskill 189.09 27.05 47.05 8.09 25.18 4.18 19.27 50.86 82.82 0.249 18.73 50.60 16.95 3.55 3.09 2.55 14.64 55.41 1.41 4.05 0.36 3.45 0.351 0.438 0.789
Joseph Mariani Jr. 221.68 29.95 58.82 7.82 31.05 2.68 21.00 42.86 95.41 0.265 20.23 44.35 18.95 2.73 2.05 3.05 12.73 44.64 3.86 3.73 0.95 2.36 0.360 0.430 0.790
James Heiman 221.05 31.09 57.64 8.14 30.41 4.82 20.86 45.50 93.55 0.261 19.18 41.69 23.32 2.59 3.09 1.91 14.55 44.86 5.41 3.90 2.09 1.64 0.355 0.423 0.778
Chris Meskill 193.59 26.73 47.64 8.77 27.82 5.00 18.64 49.68 84.68 0.246 18.82 37.82 15.32 2.41 1.82 3.45 12.68 38.23 1.82 3.60 0.64 2.14 0.342 0.437 0.780
Josh Frilling 178.41 25.68 44.27 6.77 25.27 5.27 19.05 45.82 76.82 0.248 17.55 42.43 15.36 2.86 2.32 0.91 12.91 43.68 1.73 3.77 1.18 2.77 0.355 0.431 0.785
William Herr 177.68 26.23 45.18 8.32 25.59 7.32 18.50 44.86 80.73 0.254 18.14 37.92 12.36 2.77 1.77 1.50 10.91 41.59 1.09 3.41 0.41 2.73 0.358 0.454 0.813
Tom Mahoney 201.18 27.36 52.05 7.45 25.68 4.68 16.32 43.00 87.23 0.259 19.55 41.86 16.77 2.50 2.95 1.95 11.32 41.23 1.73 3.75 1.36 3.27 0.340 0.434 0.773
Henry McCabe 231.23 33.18 59.77 9.36 32.86 3.73 23.91 52.23 101.64 0.259 22.09 55.46 20.91 3.86 3.45 3.36 17.05 58.50 3.00 3.67 1.32 4.00 0.362 0.440 0.801
Joseph Mariani 249.32 33.41 61.14 10.64 32.41 5.77 22.77 63.77 105.50 0.245 22.59 84.88 26.91 5.41 5.09 4.05 27.77 81.59 2.91 3.69 1.09 5.68 0.337 0.423 0.760
Ryan Meskill 198.18 28.18 51.14 8.32 27.64 3.64 18.18 47.82 86.32 0.258 18.05 41.84 16.86 2.73 2.59 1.77 15.14 43.36 2.50 3.84 0.50 2.64 0.350 0.436 0.785
Sean Meskill 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 11 1 9 1 2 1 2 12 1 12 2 5 12 11 3 4 9 7 12 2 2 94 2 30 1 61 4
Gerry Meskill 6 6 7 11 12 7 10 10 8 7 9 4 6 3 6 3 9 5 12 3 10 4 11 12 12 8 7 9 158 6 87 10 61 4
Justin Meskill 10 9 10 8 11 9 6 8 10 8 8 5 7 5 9 7 7 4 10 11 1 5 7 3 4 10 11 11 168 10 87 10 66 7
Joseph Mariani Jr. 4 5 4 9 4 12 4 1 4 1 4 6 5 8 3 6 4 7 2 6 5 10 2 8 3 7 5 5 114 4 48 4 56 3
James Heiman 5 4 5 7 5 6 5 4 5 2 6 10 3 10 9 9 6 6 1 10 12 12 5 10 9 6 4 4 142 5 49 5 78 11
Chris Meskill 9 10 9 4 6 5 8 7 8 11 7 12 11 12 2 4 3 12 7 2 4 11 9 4 8 2 6 6 164 9 75 7 68 8
Josh Frilling 11 12 12 12 10 4 7 5 12 10 12 7 10 6 4 12 5 8 8 8 7 7 6 7 5 4 12 12 189 12 96 12 75 9
William Herr 12 11 11 5 9 1 9 3 11 6 10 11 12 7 1 11 1 10 11 1 2 8 3 1 1 1 10 7 163 8 76 8 64 6
Tom Mahoney 7 8 6 10 8 8 12 2 6 3 5 8 9 11 7 8 2 11 8 7 9 6 10 6 10 3 7 8 161 7 68 6 78 11
Henry McCabe 3 3 3 3 2 10 2 9 3 4 3 3 4 4 10 5 10 3 3 4 8 2 1 2 2 9 3 3 101 3 42 2 53 2
Joseph Mariani 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 12 2 12 2 1 2 1 11 2 11 1 4 5 6 1 12 11 11 11 1 2 89 1 42 2 44 1
Ryan Meskill 8 7 8 5 7 11 11 6 7 5 11 9 8 8 5 10 8 9 6 9 3 9 8 5 6 5 9 10 170 11 78 9 75 9
Actual Standings
W L T Pct Place
Sean Meskill 257 150 33 0.622 2 What this shows here is how each persons actual record compares against what would happen if their stats were matched up against each team in the league every week.  The idea here is to show how lucky/unlucky a team might be in their scheduling.  The actual standings, to the left, are exactly that.  They are the current actual accrued standings thus far.  The standing vs. the enitre league is taking each persons stats from each week and comparing them against every other team that week and see how they did.  These are then added up (W,L,T) and divided by 11 (number of other teams, minus oneself, in league).  These are then compared against the actual standings.  The place in the differential standings is the difference between actual and vs. entire league.  If it is in red, it means a person is performing worse than what their stats would indicate.  In black means there are outperforming their stats.  The higher the number, theoretically the luckier/unluckier a person has been with scheduling.
Gerry Meskill 184 220 36 0.459 8
Justin Meskill 163 236 41 0.417 11
Joseph Mariani Jr. 197 205 38 0.491 5
James Heiman 220 176 44 0.550 4
Chris Meskill 187 214 39 0.469 6
Josh Frilling 156 247 37 0.397 12
William Herr 173 216 51 0.451 9
Tom Mahoney 184 218 38 0.461 7
Henry McCabe 249 154 37 0.608 3
Joseph Mariani 266 150 24 0.632 1
Ryan Meskill 177 227 36 0.443 10
Standings vs. Entire League Differential Standings Luck Calculation
W L T Pct Place W L T Pct Place Team   W L T What the chart to the left attempts to show is how potentially lucky/unlucky each persons matchups have been this season.  These percentages are an average of each week matching up against every other person that week.  For example, if in the W column it said 50%, this means that a person theoretically would have won 50% on average each of the weeks they actually won, no matter who they were matched up against.  Someone with a 25% in the L column would mean they only would have lost 25% of those theoretical matchups against everyone in weeks they lost.  So, someone with a high W percentage number would be less likely due to lucky matchups (same as a high L percentage for losses), in theory.
Sean Meskill 254 159 27 0.609 2 3 -9 6 0.013 0 254 159 27 Sean Meskill 81.10% 43.94% #DIV/0!
Gerry Meskill 187 215 38 0.469 6 -3 5 -2 -0.010 -2 187 215 38 Gerry Meskill 64.77% 75.00% 50.00%
Justin Meskill 178 221 41 0.450 9 -15 15 0 -0.033 -2 178 221 41 Justin Meskill 45.45% 67.58% 50.00%
Joseph Mariani Jr. 221 182 36 0.544 4 -24 23 2 -0.053 -1 221 182 36 Joseph Mariani Jr. 73.97% 54.55% #DIV/0!
James Heiman 215 191 34 0.528 5 5 -15 10 0.022 1 215 191 34 James Heiman 62.66% 55.68% #DIV/0!
Chris Meskill 174 225 41 0.442 11 13 -11 -2 0.028 5 174 225 41 Chris Meskill 60.23% 79.22% #DIV/0!
Josh Frilling 159 243 38 0.405 12 -3 4 -1 -0.008 0 159 243 38 Josh Frilling 46.36% 78.34% #DIV/0!
William Herr 177 222 42 0.449 10 -4 -6 9 0.002 1 177 222 42 William Herr 68.94% 78.48% 50.00%
Tom Mahoney 186 217 37 0.465 7 -2 1 1 -0.004 0 186 217 37 Tom Mahoney 61.36% 68.83% #DIV/0!
Henry McCabe 238 170 32 0.577 3 11 -16 5 0.031 0 238 170 32 Henry McCabe 76.06% 56.82% 50.00%
Joseph Mariani 253 156 31 0.611 1 13 -6 -7 0.021 0 253 156 31 Joseph Mariani 82.30% 34.09% 50.00%
Ryan Meskill 180 223 37 0.451 8 -3 4 -1 -0.008 -2 180 223 37 Ryan Meskill 59.60% 73.08% #DIV/0!
Sean Meskill 5507 796 1368 216 738 151 597 1306 2337 0.248 501 1769.6 696 109 118 132 616 1708 58 4.32 34 87 0.357 0.424 0.781 849 0 257 150 0.480 2.77 2.19 25.50
Gerry Meskill 4548 650 1134 152 543 105 406 1182 1863 0.249 402 1210.2 401 94 62 77 364 1218 13 3.64 31 85 0.339 0.410 0.748 490 0 184 220 0.603 3.35 2.91 29.92
Justin Meskill 4160 595 1035 178 554 92 424 1119 1822 0.249 412 1113.2 373 78 68 56 322 1219 31 4.05 8 76 0.351 0.438 0.789 501 0 163 236 0.534 3.79 2.64 23.37
Joseph Mariani Jr. 4877 659 1294 172 683 59 462 943 2099 0.265 445 975.7 417 60 45 67 280 982 85 3.73 21 52 0.360 0.430 0.790 404 0 197 205 0.571 3.51 2.04 28.35
James Heiman 4863 684 1268 179 669 106 459 1001 2058 0.261 422 917.1 513 57 68 42 320 987 119 3.90 46 36 0.355 0.423 0.778 397 0 220 176 0.456 3.08 2.18 27.17
Chris Meskill 4259 588 1048 193 612 110 410 1093 1863 0.246 414 832.1 337 53 40 76 279 841 40 3.60 14 47 0.342 0.437 0.780 333 0 187 214 0.570 3.01 2.67 22.07
Josh Frilling 3925 565 974 149 556 116 419 1008 1690 0.248 386 933.4 338 63 51 20 284 961 38 3.77 26 61 0.355 0.431 0.785 391 0 156 247 0.553 3.38 2.41 26.34
William Herr 3909 577 994 183 563 161 407 987 1776 0.254 399 834.2 272 61 39 33 240 915 24 3.41 9 60 0.358 0.454 0.813 316 0 173 216 0.610 3.81 2.43 21.36
Tom Mahoney 4426 602 1145 164 565 103 359 946 1919 0.259 430 920.9 369 55 65 43 249 907 38 3.75 30 72 0.340 0.434 0.773 384 0 184 218 0.458 3.64 2.64 26.99
Henry McCabe 5087 730 1315 206 723 82 526 1149 2236 0.259 486 1220.2 460 85 76 74 375 1287 66 3.67 29 88 0.362 0.440 0.801 498 0 249 154 0.528 3.43 2.18 24.69
Joseph Mariani 5485 735 1345 234 713 127 501 1403 2321 0.245 497 1867.3 592 119 112 89 611 1795 64 3.69 24 125 0.337 0.423 0.760 765 0 266 150 0.515 2.94 2.80 23.44
Ryan Meskill 4360 620 1125 183 608 80 400 1052 1899 0.258 397 920.5 371 60 57 39 333 954 55 3.84 11 58 0.350 0.436 0.785 392 0 177 227 0.513 2.86 2.63 23.83
Records 5564 834 1480 287 807 170 636 539 2505 0.303 564   696 119 29 159 202 1795 127 2.66 5 129 0.421 0.545 0.965         0.646 4.80 1.11 16.82
Current Record Paces AB R H HR RBI SB BB K TB AVG XBH APP W L SV BB K HLD ERA IRA QS OBP Slg % OPS Win Pct K=BB Pitch K/BB Hitting AB/HR
Sean Meskill
Gerry Meskill
Justin Meskill
Joseph Mariani Jr.
James Heiman
Chris Meskill
Josh Frilling
William Herr
Tom Mahoney
Henry McCabe
Joseph Mariani
Ryan Meskill